Things have just been so crazy lately that it's been so much! The attempt to convince my parents to let me go to New Orleans in May has been more work than I had orignally thought. It's just a big deal to see their oldest son try and break from his overprotective bubble he lives in and experience something on his own. I mean I won't be on my own, I would be with Mindy, but still. We had a talk about it tonight which left me with an uneasy feeling because we never established a decision. It was more like, "We will talk about it tomorrow." I need to get on that plane ticket thing, but my dad doesn't really realize that. Spring Break is finally here. It seemed like it took an eternity plus one to get to this point of the year, but it's here and I am so pumped! My plans are kind of tentative. Austin + Lyndsey day tomorrow. Misc. stuff over the weekend. Bar-B-Que with the Salesian High boys on Tuesday. Leaving for FSU & UCF on Thursday (most likely). I'm pretty pumped so far. But I have a nice load of homework to do as well. Gosh dang! Oh and I just found out that I am going to be doing the St. Jude's 7th grade retreat on the Tuesday we return from Spring Break! I'm so excited! =) Well, I must be going. I have to get up rather early tomorrow for the festivities! :: Ciao, Austin ::
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