I am officially done with my research paper for Mr. Mullarkey! Let's just say it was a "doozie!" All I have to do is fix my outline and then I am off to bed early tonight. No 3 hours of sleep like last night, that's for sure. Wednesday is not coming fast enough. I love how some of my teachers are expecting us to do all this amazing work by Wednesday. Then again, I complain about homework so much and I really shouldn't. I mean I might as well just get it over with. It's just so hard to do it when you have had such a long day at school. Spring Break Plans? Hmmm... not final yet. Chillin around St. Pete this week/weekend, running errands, hanging with friends. Easter on Sunday. Next week? Hanging with Lyndsey on Monday, Barbeque at Lisa's for the Salesian High boys that are down from NYC, then hopefully leaving for my FSU & UCF trip on Wednesday or Thursday and coming home Sunday! We'll see how it all works out. :: Goodnight, Austin ::
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