"Be yourself and if people don't like you, that's their problem!" - Ryan Cabrera

Prom is tomorrow!

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I am so excited that prom is tomorrow. It is going to be so much fun and I'm so excited that all the plans worked out. But with prom comes so much to do! I picked up my tux yesterday and it's awesome! But, the pants they sent me had a tear in the butt. =( So they ordered me a new pair and I'm picking them up today. Also today, I am going to get my car washed. Caroline's Girl Scout troop is having a car wash to help raise money today for their Europe trip this summer. I want to support and at the same time my car needs a wash so it's all good. I also need to clean my entire house considering that everyone is coming here to take pictures before prom. It won't be fun =(. Well I'm off to do these errands considering I have just been procrastinating and putzing around my house. :: Adios, Austin ::

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