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Why is it Sunday?!? =(

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I'm not ready for this weekend to be over. I didn't get to sleep in at all. Oh well. Friday - Initially, Amber was working at Carmelita's so we were going to go visit her. But then at the last minute she got off and went to Orlando. But, Nicole and I went anyway! =) It's always fun! Then I made an appearance at the Boys' Soccer game and we are now DISTRICT CHAMPS! Heck yes - Robby scored the winning goal! It was crazy! Saturday - I woke up super early and did some bonding with my dad. After that, I was home and trying to find something to do. Thanfully (after 4 attempts at trying to get a hold of her) Nicole called me and we went and visited Amber! =) Today (Sunday) - Woke up early and went to church. Now, I'm going to make a run to Target. After, I'm coming home and doing homework. Hope ya'll had a good weekends too! :: Adios, Austin ::

1 Responses to “Why is it Sunday?!? =(”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

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