"Be yourself and if people don't like you, that's their problem!" - Ryan Cabrera

Not as bad as I thought!

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Today was a pretty good day. I went into thinking that it was going to be horrible, but we had a SUB first period! Talk about a god sent! I was not ready to go to that class first thing in the morning. The rest of the day kinda dragged on. Karla and I did our interview skit in Spanish and did pretty bad. It wasn't our talking, it was what we were saying. It didn't congugate like we had hoped! Oh well! Attention SPCHS People: Please go to The Snow Ball! There are still tickets and I want to help the junior class SGA have a really good turn out. A lot of people don't want to go, but I promise it will be fun! Please!!! =( :: Adios, Austin ::

3 Responses to “Not as bad as I thought!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i'm going to the snowball. whoo. ummm, congrads on the sub hehehe. bye.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    RODpGCF9pVxCP U0faIxYdaY RoCn81CbgHW

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    NBU59AFCAfi38 TF6vtjJv5Sjs Qaye8gFWgJyQV

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