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A bit of an update...

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Considering I haven't written in this thing since last Wednesday, I'll give this thing an update. The end of last week felt so good. School was dragging on and I needed the 3-day weekend. On Friday night, I went to the Varsity Girls Soccer game. Unfortunately, we lost but we KILLED at our Boys Varsity Basketball game against our rival, CCC! On Saturday, I didn't do much during the day until The Snow Ball a.k.a. Winter Formal. Want to see pictures? [click] Yesterday (Sunday), I helped Alexis and her Mom at their new house! We were h-core cleaning and painting for almost 9 hours, excluding the hour for lunch and dinner. Well, today, I'm off to go do more at Alexis' new house! :: Adios, Austin ::

8 Responses to “A bit of an update...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

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  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
    [url=http://njihrjpw.com/ziyi/uprv.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://bojuizkb.com/oman/yqum.html]Cool site[/url]

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 
  4. Anonymous Anonymous 
  5. Anonymous Anonymous 
  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good design!
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  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good design!
    http://njihrjpw.com/ziyi/uprv.html | http://ghcqqnml.com/gear/pqca.html

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good design!
    http://njihrjpw.com/ziyi/uprv.html | http://ghcqqnml.com/gear/pqca.html

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