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Isn't it supposed to be cold outside?

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I'm kinda upset that it's December and the only time it gets cold around here is at 9:00 at night. Shouldn't it be cold all the time in the winter? I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty disappointed. So I'm slowly recovering from this sinus thing that I have had for the past couple days. Tonight is the big Jesuit game! It's going to be crazy! Just wanted to do an update. :: Adios, Austin ::

14 Responses to “Isn't it supposed to be cold outside?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

    With love, Concrete angel (Concrete contractor)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

    With love, Concrete angel

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    z3IKOu4yVUuDF7 sCoICVfob9P WizWPODdVjna5a

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    RNcyI6byiXqBW2 oY2uIRAg2k RCJgqJLK6Z7

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi! Nice site!

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