"Be yourself and if people don't like you, that's their problem!" - Ryan Cabrera


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Today I took the SAT's, which were so fricken long! I couldn't stand the silence b/c as you all know, I talk A LOT! They actually weren't as hard as I though they would be. I just realized though, that I have a lot more Algebra 2 to learn for sure! So then I came home for all of like an hour and got ready to go over to Gioia's house. Gioia and I have known each other since we were 4 1/2. =) I love her to death and never get to see her, but from now on we decided that I'm coming up to Palm Harbor more often. We just chilled and drove around. Then we made some kick butt Chicken Marsala! Get us getting out the cookbook and using most of the correct measurements. Some things are just better not measuring. =D Then we started putting up Christmas decorations, which is always fun. We were all talking and her mom said something really funny, so I go into the other room to laugh because I was about to die, and I turned around and smacked my head into the wall. I mean, it was bad. First you hear our laughter, then all you hear is a huge THUMP and I am on the ground about to pee my pants laughing so hard. It was awesome! Then we headed over to Coldstone and then back to Gioia's house to look at pictures from our "early" years. Tomorrow is a pretty big day. I am going to church (as usual) and then coming home and meeting up with Olivia for lunch at Bennigans at 12. Back home after to figure out what I am wearing for my photo shoot. I shoot my pictures at 4 and then the whole party thing starts at 5. I'm excited! =) I'm off to bed know, because I am going to fall asleep typing. :: Adios, Austin ::

8 Responses to “Thump!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    photo shoot? austin arias, you owe me an explanation... p.s. what do you think of the new spanish teacher??

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 
  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
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  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

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  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

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  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

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