It's so cold outside now. I wish I had my hoodie but it hasn't come in yet and Mrs. Mancuso ordered it forever ago. I am hoping it will get here by next week. We'll see! So we went to go look at some Christmas trees tonight! They are going so quick. We are trying to get a decently tall one because of the high cielings in my house but those sell the quickest. =( We'll get a tree no matter what though! So it's 8:15pm and I have done none of my homework yet. I need to get on that. I think I'll start at 8:30. =D :: Adios, Austin ::
Billy Karns is truly a miracle story! I'm so thankful to God that he gave Billy the gift of life and for being there for him as he recovers. The doctors say that there is no medical explination for why he is still alive and that it is truly a higher power that is the reason he is going to make a full recovery. I'm so thankful for the power of God! :: Adios, Austin ::
Today was not bad at all. I only got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night, but when I woke up, I was suprisingly awake and got right out of bed. School, overall, wasn't too bad. I didn't really do too much in my classes, which was weird. I visited Ms. McGough aka "Mo" during Spanish because we had a sub. Good times! Good times! I got a lot of mail today! I felt so loved! Maybe it's because we didn't get our mail out of our mailbox from Friday or Saturday until today! =) Who knows?!? It was mainly from colleges and a few other misc. things. I don't know why I got something from the University of Richmond? Heh...good ol' college searches! SATs = Saturday! Nicole and I are planning a pre-SAT dinner on Friday night. It will be fun! It's only for a few exclusive people though! =D :: Adios, Austin ::
Overall, Thanksgiving break was a lot of fun. I got to spend a lot of time with my friends and got to see some of my friends who were down from college. The cool part is that they will be back for an even longer amount of time in about 2 1/2 weeks for Christmas Break. That means I will get to hang out with them more! Turkey Day was the usual, nothing too great happened unfortunately. I got my Birthday gifts from my Aunt and Uncle and g'ma. I love how my birthday was over a month ago! It's kinda strange to think about really. Friday night was the best night ever! RFC = Amazing - as usual! I have some really tight pictures that I am going to load onto my yahoo! photos album! I'm still on a mad Ryan Cabrera high which is nothing unusual after I attend a Ryan concert, but this high is lasting longer than usual! =) I did not realize that all my homework wasn't due tomorrow! Thank the lord! So much less to do today now! I'm going to go work on that now. Hope ya'll had a great break too! :: Adios, Austin ::
No words... can explain the amount of sheer aww that just occured. I'm on a high. A high that will be in my system for a good week or more. :: Austin ::
Hope ya'll had a great day and didn't eat too much! I can't wait for the weekend! :: Adios, Austin ::
Today was a pretty awesome day! =) *exhales, saying "Ahh" in a relaxing tone* :: Adios, Austin ::
Well, the end of the canned food drive was awesome! We ended with 101,982 cans total! Get that being almost 22,000 over our goal! The juniors (heck yes) brought in the most with a total of almost 47,000 cans, beating the the senior class. Overall, putting aside the winning of a day off for the junior class, the canned food drive was a great way to show that St. Pete Catholic really cares about our community! I think that even though it got a little crazy at times, I think we all learned that we cannot be selfish. This weekend, I attended the plays with friends and got to hang out with Lauren. Lauren and I had so much fun. I'm really happy band season is over because now her schedule is open! =) The week ahead?!? Who knows! All my loves are coming down from college for Turkey Day and I am going to get to see them all! I'm so excited! It's time for me to get some much needed rest... :: Night ya'll, Austin ::
So here is the breakdown of the canned food drive class competition... 1st Place- JUNIORS with over 20,000 cans! 2nd Place- Seniors with 6,000 cans. 3rd Place- Sophomores. 4th Place- Freshmen. It all comes out to 34,000+ cans so far. However, it's not all about the competition and who wins the day off from school for bringing in the most. It's about helping the people in our communities that are in need this year. Please help us reach our goal by bringing in cans! Time for the "guna" season finale! :: Adios, Austin ::
Words cannot explain the reason why I procrastinate. I have had the same away message up all day saying all the stuff I need to do. Have I done any of them? 1 1/2 out of the 4. (I have started cleaning my room) I could have been completely done with my homework and room by now, been able to take a shower and go to bed at a decent hour tonight. I'm not giving up hope yet, because it may still happen. We'll see... = :: Adios, Austin ::
Last night at the football game, we raised over 6,000 cans and about $300. Thanks ya'll who donated last night. This morning, Ms. McGough and I helped the Teens Called To Holiness club deliver cans to Daystar. It was really touching to see where all our donations go. They get about 80 families a week, who come to receive food. It's really rewarding to see that your hardwork can help people in return. We are up to about 24,000 cans- after the SGA match of the class who brought in the most last night aka the Juniors and J-Mac's match of Chris' donation of 4,000 ramen. The juniors are in the lead right now and are about 5,000 cans or so ahead of the seniors! But it's not all about the competition, it's about the service work we are doing to help families in need. HELP US, HELP THEM! PLEASE BRING IN YOUR CANS BY FRIDAY! (the deadline) LET'S REACH OUR GOAL OF 80,000! Tonight, a bunch of us went to Carrabbas for Rachel's 17th birthday dinner. It was fun and we all were dressed up. Our waiter was horrible though. Good times! Now, I am just watching re-runs of "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County" (I love spelling that whole name out) and then I am going to bed! :: Night ya'll, Austin ::
My life could not get any more hectic right now. It's insane. Get me not leaving school till um... 4:50! In the process, I completely forgot about my make up vocab quiz for Chemisty. I feel so bad! =( So the yearbook is really picking up and I am swamped every day. It's really crazy. Swamped-ness means Austin is working every day after-school! Ugh! Okay, now I need to get ready for someone special's birthday! =) Weekend plans... Friday- Half Day. Alexis' crib. Carrabbas. State Playoff Football Game. Home. Saturday- Who knows during the day. Rachel's birthday dinner @ Carrabbas. Home. Sunday- Church. Homework. The usual. :: Adios, Austin ::
I have not updated my blog in a week. So let me try to sum up this week in a semi-short entry! This past week: I went to school for two days and then worked on the Freshmen Retreat. Retreat went really well and I was lucky to have good groups all three days. My teachers were okay with me missing three days, except McKeon b/c of AP but I decided "oh well!" Friday Night: Met up with Olivia @ Tropical Smoothie Cafe and then we went over to the mall to do some browsing! I attempted to start seeing what I want for Christmas this year. Saturday: Had a slight change of plans and just chilled at my house. At about 3, I went over to Lauber's and Nicole and I chilled. We went to Nature's Finest to pick up some water and Nicole showed off her tight driving skills. She is a really good driver. When Steph came over, we attempted to clean Nicole's fish tank/vase and then got ready for dinner. They were all waiting on me to be ready and I felt really bad. Then the night began with Bennigans at 6 with MC and Amber for my 7th ave. birthday dinner! After dinner, we went over to the mall and Nicole got some makeup. Then we headed over to our adventures at the local parks in St. Petersburg, which is always fun! [click for pictures] After our little adventure, we headed back to 7th ave. and watched the R. Kelly dvd of Chapters 1-12 of his music video. Hilarious, I must say! Today (Sunday): I headed over to church this morning and then made an A.M. Target run. Now, I am just watching my Laguna Beach Season 1 DVDs that my sister got me for my birthday. I'm going to go start all my homework from the past three days at 3. That should be fun! = :: Adios, Austin ::